Consumer Resources

In relation to the UCA's advocacy, here are the categories which can be helpful depending on the type of assistance or information you are looking for:

Public Utilities Commission (PUC)

The PUC is part of Colorado state government and is located within the Department of Regulatory Agencies. The PUC has the task of regulating and overseeing public utilities in Colorado. The PUC serves the public interest by effectively regulating utilities and facilities so that the people of Colorado receive safe, reliable, and reasonably-priced services consistent with the economic, environmental, and social values of our state.

What are Clean Heat Plans?

In 2021, the General Assembly required gas distribution utilities—utilities that procure and distribute gas to retail customers such as residents and local businesses—to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4% by 2025 and by 22% by 2030, from a 2015 baseline.

To show that they are meeting these targets, gas utilities will file “Clean Heat Plans” or CHPs with the Commission starting in 2023. A CHP may include a mix of supply-side resources which replace traditional gas and demand-side resources which reduce the gas customers use. Together, these are called clean heat resources, and include:

  • Energy efficiency programs, which could allow you to add more insulation at a reduced cost.
  • Recovered methane, including the gas that is captured at landfills and water purification facilities.
  • Green hydrogen, where water is converted to hydrogen through electrolysis using renewable energy.
  • Beneficial electrification, which could allow you to switch from a gas furnace to an electric heat pump for heating, or from a gas to an electric stove for cooking at a reduced cost.

We do not know precisely what combination of clean heat resources utilities will propose. However, state law requires that utility plans be of the lowest reasonable cost, meaning a reasonable cost that still allows them to manage reliability and other state goals, like environmental justice.

About the Commission’s Rulemaking

The Public Utilities Commission makes rules for several reasons, such as to provide customers clarity for what kind of treatment they can expect from a regulated entity, and to provide detail that goes beyond what is in legislation.

Through Senate Bill 21-264, the General Assembly directed the Commission to create rules that require utilities to file CHPs and take other actions to reduce carbon emissions. In response, the Commission opened Proceeding 21R-0449G in October 2021, and issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (Decision No. C21-0610). The Commission has since held multiple workshops and public comment hearings.

At a meeting on June 22, 2022, the Commission agreed to issue a modified version of its proposed rules and seek more comments. All documents related to this rulemaking can be found in the Commission’s E-Filings system under Proceeding 21R-0449G.

The Commission must make a final decision on the rules by December 1, 2022. The first CHP will be filed by Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel Energy) on August 1, 2023. The Commission’s rulemaking will address CHPs and other issues related to gas service for Public Service, Atmos Energy, Black Hills Colorado Gas, and Colorado Natural Gas.

Colorado Energy Office

To improve the effective us of all of Colorado's energy resources and the efficient consumption of energy in all economic sectors, through providing technical guidance, financial support, policy advocacy and public communications.

Colorado Attorney General's Office - Consumer Protection Section

The Consumer Protection Section protects Colorado consumers and businesses against fraud and maintains a competitive business environment by: enforcing the Colorado Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) along with other state and federal consumer protection laws; enforcing state and federal antitrust laws; implementing and enforcing provisions of the tobacco master settlement agreements; enforcing state laws on consumer lending, predatory lending, debt collection, rent-to-own, and credit repair; and advocating on behalf of residential, small business, and agricultural public utility taxpayers.

The Consumer Protection Section is made up of five units

  • Consumer Protection Unit
  • Consumer Credit Unit
  • Office of Consumer Counsel Unit 
  • Antitrust Unit
  • Opioid Unit

US Environmental Protection Agency

The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment.

Federal Communications Commission

The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the commission is the United States' primary authority for communications law, regulation, and technological innovation.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines as well as licensing hydropower projects.

Federal Trade Commission

The FTC is a bipartisan federal agency with a unique dual mission to protect consumers and promote competition. For one hundred years, our collegial and consensus-driven agency has championed the interests of American consumers. As we begin our second century, the FTC is dedicated to advancing consumer interests while encouraging innovation and competition in our dynamic economy.

The FTC develops policy and research tools through hearings, workshops, and conferences. We collaborate with law enforcement partners across the country and around the world to advance our crucial consumer protection and competition missions. And beyond our borders, we cooperate with international agencies and organizations to protect consumers in the global marketplace.


Americans age 50 and older face choices and pressures unlike those of any other age group – choices few could have prepared for. As the charitable affiliate of AARP, AARP Foundation is working with struggling people 50 and over so they can regain their confidence as good providers and members of their communities. We focus on four priorities where immediate action and legal advocacy will have the greatest impact: hunger, income, housing and isolation.

Better Business Bureau (BBB)

For more than 100 years, the BBB has been helping people find trustworthy businesses, brands and charities.   

Colorado Public Interest Research Group (CoPIRG)

A consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. 

Colorado No Call List

This site enables consumers to add or remove their residential, wireless, or fax telephone numbers to the Colorado No-Call List. By adding your residential, wireless, or fax telephone number(s), telemarketers will not call you. To add: enter your residential, wireless, or fax telephone number(s), zip code and e-mail (optional) into the box on this page. 

Energy Outreach Colorado

Energy Outreach Colorado is the only independent non-profit in the state raising money to help provide home energy assistance to low-income Coloradans.