Utility Consumers' Board (UCB)

About the Utility Consumers' Board (UCB)

The UCA has a statutorily created twelve-member Utility Consumers' Board (UCB). In accordance with recent legislation, eight of the members are appointed by the Governor of which at least one member of the eight appointments will be actively engaged in agriculture as a business, and at least two members of the eight appointments will be owners of small business with 100 or fewer employees. 

For the Governor's appointments, each of the Congressional districts in the state shall be represented, and no more than four Board members can be affiliated with the same political party.

For the four remaining seats, the President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives shall each appoint one member.

The Responsibilities of the UCB include:

Represent the public interest of Colorado utility users and specifically the interests of residential, agricultural, and small business users by providing general policy guidance  to the UCA and its director:

  • General policy guidance re: rate cases, rule-making proceedings, legislative projects, general activities, and priorities of the office.
  • Gather data and information and formulate policy positions to advise the UCA in preparing analysis and testimony on legislation.
  • It is the duty of the Attorney General to advise the UCA and the Board on all legal matters and to provide representation in proceedings in which the UCA participates.

The UCB is required by statute to meet six times each year.

Utility Consumers' Board Members

Parks Barroso
Appointee of the Speaker of the House 

Josh Bufmack
Appointee of the Minority Leader of the House 

Terry Hart
Appointee of the Governor  - CD3, Pueblo (Expires 7/1/2026) 

Ron Lehr
Appointee of the President of the Senate

Bill Steele
Appointee of the Governor - CD4, Highlands Ranch (Expires 7/1/2027)

Sondra Young
Appointee of the Governor - CD1, Denver (Expires 7/1/2028)

Appointee of the the Governor  -  CD2

Appointee of the the Governor  -  CD5

Appointee of the the Governor  -  CD6

Appointee of the the Governor  -  CD7

Appointee of the the Governor  -  CD8

Appointee of the Minority Leader of the Senate